Thursday, March 24, 2011

I'm Not That Smart

So I've started this wonderfully, fantastic euphoric journey known as the Junior Theme. One book that I have been reading is A Whole New Mind by Daniel H. Pink. In short, the book is about how right brain thinking is becoming more and more important in society. While reading the book I've become more interested in how my brain works.

Of course I know that it's not scientific or official, but I decided to take an online test on weather I am right or left brained (If you would like to try click here). In the test I got pretty close to splitting even, although I lean a bit to the right side, which means I'm more artistic. Right brained people are also generally better at reading people's emotions, which means that they would be more successful in the fake psychic business. On the other hand, left brained people tend to be more analytical. These are the people who would make the best computer programmers.  

What ever side of the brain you tend to lean to, there are ups and downs for both. An example is that right brained people have more trouble with taking standardized tests like the ACT. The downside for left brainers is that jobs, like computer programming are being outsourced. Don't believe me? Read A Whole New World.

Because I am not completely right brained, I do not have a creative way to end this post. So I'm just going to finish.