Monday, October 25, 2010

My Blog: A Platitude

My blog is sorta boring. Well to be quite honest it's vapid, arid, and at times irksome.  I swear having to reread all of these posts again in their entirety made me a more lethargic person then I was before I read them. They are just so boring.
I have to admit that the award for the biggest humdrum goes to my blog about racial tokenism. The topic itself can be quite fascinating, it's just that I had absolutely no spark in it. The topic does not hold my interest and therefore my personal dullness of the subject was transfered over into the post. My lack of interest in many of my blog topics has made my writing less then satisfactory.
Also, my posts seem really long. To be earnest (after all there is special Importance of Being Earnest) no one really wants to read a long blog post. Blogs are suppose to be a way to express your thoughts enjoyably to other readers, not a tedious task. For example in "Statues of Our Past" it took me half way through the post to get to my idea. What I should do is cut straight to the point. It would make reading my posts less of a drag.
Something I have noticed reoccur in my newer entries is this vain obsession with myself. Okay, maybe not an obsession, but I am mentioned a lot. In my three most recent posts the word "I" or "Me" is in at least the second sentence. I know that this blog is about me, after all it is my blog, but no one wants to hear about other people (well, unless they are a celebrity).
So I guess to sum this sucker up, I just need to make my entries more readable. What I really need to do to is write about stuff that I actually care about versus just writing a blog because it is my assignment. Then, I think, I will really start to excel.

Oh, by the way, Mr. Bolos and Mr. O'Connor you may grade this entry: To Have Faith in Education

1 comment:

  1. Emma, when will see this delightful sense of humor in the classroom? :)
