Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Change in Attitude

women protesting in Egypt
In class we commonly discuss stereotypes, in fact just this past week we listed all the stereotypes we see in the media of African-Americans. There are many other stereotypes then just that of the black people, but also of the studious asian, the nerdy jew, the non-english speaking latino, and worse of all the terrorist arab. 

The american view of the arabic people is that they are extremely sexist, extremely religious and extremely violent. When many americans picture the middle east they see car bombs, roadside bombs, people throwing grenade bombs or with bombs strapped on to them. So, if the american stereotype is correct, where were these bombs during the Egyptian protests? 

The fact is, the  Egyptian revolution was peaceful. The protestors were non-violent and just standing up against a government. What the Egyptians did went against the american stereotype. Our own revolution in the 18th century was a lot bloodier than in Egypt, so why aren't we seen as the violent ones (with how we deal with gun control our stereotype may just change).

Hopefully the Egyptian protests will change the american attitude toward Arabic countries and see that they are not violent terrorists, but just people.    


  1. I definitely think that stereotypes are generally very incorrect. And to shake up that comfortable belief that if a few people from here or there are like this then everyone else is too, it's a good thing. There are too many people, from both sides of any issue, who are too quick to judge the entire population.

  2. Very true! I think that stereotypes form due to misinformation. We only hear about terror crimes from Arab nations, not about the hateful actions in our own country or for that matter ANY country outside of the middle east. Thanks for giving this example of people who do not conform with the assumed actions.

  3. Emma, This is a thoughtful blog post topics -- and you are certainly right: anti-Arab bias skyrocketed after 9/11. It'd be nice to anchor your idea with some text -- a spokesman from the Egyptian protests? a thoughtful Arab spokesman, advocating peace? This would allow an additional jumping off point for your readers.
