Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How to Spot an Impostor

This is not me,  Although I wish I had his hair
In class we talked about the credibility of a person. Often, the more you trust a person, the more credible you find them. So I am here to tell you, that although you may think of me as a trustworthy person I am not credible. why? Well let me tell you.

1. I cite Wikipedia all the time. If I were an expert in a subject I would probably cite a more creditable source, like my new medical journal all about chinchilla pancreases, but instead I cite a website where anyone in the world can change the subject at any time. 

2. I write very informally. If what I was saying was actually credible I would not be cracking jokes right and left. Although I think they add a nice touch...

3. The title of my blog is An American Ignore A Moose. Let me show you how to pronounce it. An...American...IgnoreAMoose. If you still do not get it basically it's called An American Ignoramus, and as we all know from the little golf tee game at Cracker Barrel, we should never trust an Ignoramus.

So now you know that I am not an impostor trying to look like a journalist or expert on chinchilla pancreases. but rather an anonymous person writing a blog. 

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