Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why a Democracy?

This Morning I was lounging on the couch watching one of those Sunday Political News shows with my Mom. The hot topic was the revolts going on in Egypt right now. The host of the show was interviewing our current Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who was talking about maybe installing a democracy in Egypt. I turned over to my mom, who was sitting to the left of me, and asked her, Why A Democracy?
Freedom of Speech
from Norman Rockwell's Four Freedoms

Sure Democracy, or rather more of a republic, has worked out great for our country. I feel that, although not everyone in pleased with the people who are in office, they are at least pleased with how our country is run. Democracy is the government that works for the U.S. and many other countries, but would it work for every country?

In some countries, the democratically elected leader is hogging the office. In 2005 Palestine held a democratic election and elected Mahmoud Abbas to presidency. Abbas has lived out his full term, but has yet to step down from office. And in Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was also elected in 2005 and reelected in 2009, although many speculate the authenticity of the results. Part of being in a democracy is giving the people a voice by voting and allowing them to choose a new person to take control . But in some countries that person elected takes over and democracy just doesn't seem to be working anymore. 

Although Democracy is a good government, is it for everyone? Are there better options out there for other countries? To be honest, I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. Great topic Emma!

    What really struck me about this not necessarily if a democracy was a good government for every country, but the fact that Hillary Clinton was talking about "installing a democracy in Egypt." I don't think it's the US's responsibility to go and set up a democracy in every country that's having governmental issues. This is what has gotten us in trouble so many times in the past, including Iraq. People don't want a foreign country coming into their own and telling them how they should live. We have our own problems that we need to focus on and deal with, rather than trying to go and change other countries' governments.

    And I don't think that a democracy is a good government for everybody. Every country has different cultures and religions and values. We can't force our own on someone.
