Friday, January 14, 2011

Life With Out Theatre Teachers

The Mona Lisa was painted
by Leonardo da Vinci
Awhile back in class, Mr. Bolos said that the one teacher his daughter had the strongest connection with, her chorus teacher, was laid off. Not because the teacher was not talented at inspiring students, but simply because funding for the arts just wasn't there. Sadly this is not uncanny in today's world.

When Mr. Bolos said this is really struck a chord with me. My favorite thing to do in the whole world is to act and I am very close with the 4 theatre teachers at my school. If I did not have the support of these teachers I would feel lost. I'm glad that my school has the money to keep the arts running because if it didn't I would never have discovered my passion and I would not feel talented nor special.

Constantly in the news I hear about how public school have been shutting down their arts programs leaving hundreds of children unable to find their talents and passions. The art world is slowly declining because art education is not being taught in schools. Just a few weeks ago in another class of mine a girl could not answer who it was that painted the Mona Lisa. We need to keep the arts in school, they are an important outlet express ourselves and I know my life would not have been the same without the support of my theater teachers.


  1. I think it is amazing that students like yourself have such a great connection with teachers. I can relate although I am not familiar with the theater department but more with coaches for sport. It is a great feeling when you know you have a support and mentor. I also could not imagine going through high school with no one to help you through it. I think as a human personal relationships are key to success. It is sad to me when I hear about these schools having to shut down there arts departments because it leaves many students to not be able to do what they love. I really enjoyed reading your post!

  2. I don't know what I would do without our wonderful theatre teachers! They inspire us daily, and they help us grow into great actors. Even after totally flopping on a Spanish oral exam (suspenso epico!) or getting back an ugly grade on a math test, it is terrific to have theatre class to go to as a safe place for learning and creating on the stage, where hard work almost always results in an awesome performance or positive feedback from teachers. I have been thinking a lot about society's value of athletics in schools vs. society's value of theatre in schools, and I can't help but wonder... Why is theatre funding always cut before athletic funding when a school is low on money?

  3. I totally agree with you Madelyn. The thing about theatre, and all arts, it that it's something you can take with you forever. You can be in your 80's and still paint or play piano. But with sports you can only take it with you for a shorter amount of time. I would be fearful for and 80 year old football player. They should keep funding up for the arts because they are a life long interest and something that can be with you for your whole life.
