Saturday, January 15, 2011

Morality Stages on Stage

In Class we talked about Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development . The highest stage is stage 6, which is when you do what you believe is right and face the circumstances. Supposedly a person to reach this level of morality is very rare, but not when it comes to entertainment.

Today is rehearsal for the school musical, Les Miserables, I was thinking about the choices that the characters make. An example of the rare souls at stage 6 of morality are the student revolutionaries. (in case you did not know, this musical takes place during the French Revolution) These students were willing to fight for their rights and except the consequence of possibly dying.


All the students end up dying, well all except for pretty-boy Marius. This got me to thinking about how so often in entertainment we see characters who exhibit stage 6 tendencies.

 One of my favorite movies, Mulan, is about a women who was willing to enter into china's imperial army as a man, despite the fact that if she was found out she would be killed. Despite such a gruesome consequence, her morality buzzer was buzzing that it was the right thing to do because her father was to old to go back into the military.
The reason that we are entertained by Stage 6 characters is because they are rare, and isn't rarity something fun to watch?

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree that rarity is fun to watch. But in today's society I feel as though something bizarre or unique is often exploited for a T.V. show (or for some other reason). But the sole objective is to make money from them.
    It's really quite disappointing that some people aren't more accepting of those who have unique qualities. It's interesting that you bring up Mulan because earlier in the year we were also talking about Disney movies and how they usually only had one parent and the possible reasons for that.
